Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Chapter: research methodology Essay

The research was conducted using questionnaires as the main tool of data collection. Questionnaires were used for the research mainly because the research focused on areas and questions that could not be put across verbally through interviews. Advantages of using questionnaires. Questionnaires have the advantage of privacy and secrecy. They were chosen for the research because of the nature of the subject of research (Furedi 2007). Terrorism is a phenomenon that does not go well with many people in Yemen especially after the 2006 attack. Through the use of questionnaires, the researcher is able to be guaranteed honest and true answers unlike other methods of data collection. A total of 304 replies were received from the people. This was a good number and showed that many respondents appreciated the subject of research. Questionnaires are also used because they are easy to be used by the respondents. The type of language used in the questionnaires is simple and easy to understand. Many respondents tend to prefer the usage of questionnaires as they give them ease in trying to answer the questions posed to them (Toolis 2005). They also enjoy the advantage of giving the respondent time to reflect on what they had forgotten and give an answer that they think is right rather than being rushed into giving answers without reflecting on them or without being given time to think. If a respondent is given time to research and reflect on what he/she had forgotten, chances are that he/she is likely to give informed answers, opinions and vies. Disadvantages of questionnaires. In some circumstances, questionnaires could be of demerit to both the researcher and the respondent. Some questions in the questionnaires need explanations by the researcher. Such explanations are normally not accessible as the researchers are always not within reach. Such interruptions may cause the respondent to give information that is not related to the questions asked as a result of misinterpretation of the questions. If such a scenario occurs, the researcher is bound to lose out in the area in which the question was asked and decide either to leave it out or conduct the session again. The other disadvantage of questionnaires is that, they need time for the exercise to be a success. Drafting of the questions, sending the questionnaires to the respondents, filing of the questionnaires and sending them back to the researcher will take some time which would have been used in other useful areas concerning the research. It is evident that respondents will tend to take some time before responding to the questionnaires posted or delivered to them. The other disadvantage is that when using questionnaires, they are bound to get lost or get into wring hands (Furedi 2007). When they are posted by the respondents, they might get lost along the way and not reach the researcher at all. In some cases, they may get into wrong hands thus exposing what was meant to be privacy between the researcher and the respondent. Such cases could lead to breach of contract as the respondent might have been promised that whatever he/she says will be confidential to the two of them. On the other hand, the information contained in the questionnaires might also be distorted before it reaches the researcher. This could also lead to misrepresentation of the information by the researcher thus leading to wrong conclusions and false recommendations about the subject matter in discussion. Secondary Sources of data collection. A variety of sources were used in data collection for the research. Such sources included the CNY’s post-incidence report, documents which as scholarly in nature, government press releases and agencies, the Internet, CNY intranet and other sources that were deemed fit for the research (Cachon 2007). Secondary sources of data collection were used mainly to boost the outcomes of the literature review. The fear of crime and terrorist attacks were addressed partially by the secondary sources rather than the primary sources. There is information that could not be found using primary sources of data collection. This information included the history of terrorist attacks in Yemen and other relevant past accounts in as far as terrorism is concerned. Books and journals were used closely as they were viewed as the most reliable and important sources of data collection. The Internet came in especially where previous researches were to be used in the writing of the literature review and other sections of the research. Scholarly materials were used especially where there was need to compare the views of other scholars against those in the research. Such views were so helpful as they gave direction and focus to the research in situations where it thought to be going out of way (Cachon 2007). How to prevent terrorism, how terrorism has been dealt with in the past, how other countries react to terrorism, the effect of terrorism among other issues were addressed by the secondary data. It is therefore important to say that secondary data could not be ignored in any way by the research. How the research was tackled. When determining on how th research was to be conducted, issues such as accessing the target, the cost of the research and the time available for the research were taken into consideration. The method of conducting the research was one that was intended target the whole CNY’s employees working in Yemen, as well as direct contractors working for CNY. This gave an approximate target of about one thousand employees for the research. The operating structure in Yemen was broken into two field based facilities, a storage terminal on Yemen’s coast and a head office situated in Sana’a (Lakdawalla 2004). The four locations were part of the population that was targeted by the research. The research tackled the intended research problem through the use of survey research, reinforced by interviews and research that also in the archives. Such a wide field allowed the researcher to gather information that was all inclusive and representative. More and more survey data was gathered by the use of a CNY intranet, questionnaires that were self completed, interviews that were face to face and other sources that were aimed at reinforcing the quantitative data gathered with qualitative data and information available. Due to the nature of the facilities and the number, it was imperative to design an intranet based questionnaire for the purposes of data collection and analysis. It was believed that all of the population in CNY had access to the company’s intranet, thus making it a more convenient and reliable tool for data collection and analysis. It main advantage was that a large population of people was able to be reached at a relatively low cost. Questionnaire design. During the construction of the questionnaire, several elements were taken into consideration by the researcher (Chapman 2000). The process was to decide the questions that were to be asked, the wording and sequence of the questions in their precision an also the simplicity and complexity of the questions and wording. The questions were phrased in such a way that respondents found them easy to understand and comprehend with the aim of them not affecting the responses from the respondents. The questionnaires were also made anonymous to the respondents as a result of the cultural sensitivity in Yemen. All the same, there was a section to be completed regarding whether the respondents preferred to be interviewed and if so, contact details were completed by the researcher. It was however found out that respondents were more than willing to take part in the research especially after being assured that the information they provided would be treated in confidence and that they would remain anonymous. Selection and sampling of the respondents. Members from each department were selected and included both the Yemeni and the expatriates (Chapman 2000). They were both asked separately if they were willing to have an interview that was face to face. A formal letter describing the objectives and the purpose of the research was mailed to those members that were selected for the research. The rest of the targeted population was emailed with the same letter describing why the research was being conducted. Interviews were also done thereafter as they tend to offer the possibility of the researcher modifying the line of questioning, then following up with interesting lines of investigation in a way that other forms of data collection methods cannot (Chapman 2000). A structured interview of about 45 minutes was conducted as part of the research collection procedure. The interviews were recorded o both tape and in note form. Due to the nature of the Yemeni culture that discourages recording of interviews, note had to be taken as a cushion to the same. This was done for the Yemeni nationals and not for the expatriates. An email reminder was send to the population that was targeted two weeks after the questionnaires had been distributed. The reminders were repeated after three weeks with the aim of ensuring that all the positions intended were covered. In order to avoid problems with the questionnaires and the interview design, the questions were piloted on a small sample of the population that was similar to the main surveys respondents. Problems encountered in the Research. There were various problems encountered during the research. Problems included those that were encountered during the process of the research and those that came up during the compilation of data and analysis. One of the problems was the difficulty in convincing people that the questionnaires and the interviews were meant for research purposes and not any other hidden agenda (Pun 2002). A number of the targeted population were a little bit concerned about the intention of the research. Given that terrorism is a sensitive area of discussion especially in the public domain, it turned out to be very difficult to drive the point home. The fear associated with terrorism made many people shun away from the topic thus leaving the researcher with very little option (Lowry 2002). There was also the problem of finding the needed information. Due to the nature of the Yemeni culture, many respondents were not free enough to give information that they thought was right. They would give information that they thought could go well with what the questions required and not the real and true position on the ground. This problem led to some information being discarded as it was vetted and found out that it was unrealistic and not practical. The opinion of the respondents could change and even contradict depending with the type of method collection tool used. This was noticed in cases where both the questionnaires and interviews were used on one respondent at different times for data collection. The problem of time was also an issue. The research was to be done within a specific period of time. This time was short considering the nature of the research that was being done. The respondents were far from each other and this needed time to be able to reach all of them for the research. The process of data compilation and analysis took a lot of time due to the fact that three hundred and four replys were to be analysed. The analysis also required some data to be run using the SPSS program which was not familiar with the researcher. Consultations had to be made with the experts in SPSS and other people who had a thorough understanding of what the program was all about (Lowry 2002). This also took some time thus affecting the time scheduled for data analysis. As a result, some of the processes of data analysis were crushed so that some of the time could be used for running of data and generation using the SPSS program (Kumar 2008). The issue of bureaucracy also posed a problem during the research. Getting permission from the relevant authorities which included CPF, BAKPF, the head office at Sana’a and the terminal facility was so difficult. Letters had to be written by the university time and again but still the management found it hard to allow the researcher to go ahead with the research. It was only after several negotiations and pleading that finally the request was granted. The top management feared the fact that the research was aimed at inciting the employees in matters related to terrorism. The effect of the 2006 attack by the terrorists was still fresh in people’s minds and it was feared that any mention of the term terrorism would trigger an atmosphere of fear and animosity. Analysis and Results. The data collected was analysed independently for each of the four CNY locations in Yemen. Different procedures and target hardening initiatives were deployed at each location to meet the specific threat. Separate analysis of each location was used to identify issues that were unique to each one of them as it would be easier to make specific recommendations for each location in terms of improvement (Lowry 2002). Data from national and expatriate employees also analysed independently with the aim that separate analysis would make it easier to identify any cultural and social differences that could arise between the employees and the fear of crime. The CNY information technology department will be made use of in transferring data from the intranet to the analysis software. The researcher involved in this research was a working for CNPY at he main field facility. The rotation was in five weeks’ work at Yemen and five weeks’ vacation in the United Kingdom. The rotation was meant at necessitating god planning to ensure that all relevant data input was complete and accessible during the duty. Al the employees in Yemen work in a similar rotation and so it was vital to ensure that all the back to back positions had access to the intranet with the aim of enabling the completion of the questionnaires (Metz 2006). The work rotations also had their own advantages which included the reduction in the cost of transportation as CNT transport and internal flights would be used by the researcher. There was also the advantage of completing all the research on time and also the fact that data analysis, compilation and writing up of findings would be done during the vacation. The researcher had a back to back in Yemen who could assist with the sending of the late data from the questionnaires in the unlikely event that it would be necessary.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

“Macbeth” and “Brave New World” Comparison Essay Essay

Freedom and individualism are a significant component of contemporary society, however there are many parts of the world where these basic human rights are not granted. The lack of these basic rights are clearly demonstrated in the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. The leaders of many societies are willing to sacrifice innocent lives in order for society to function according to their visions. Many leaders are willing to sacrifice the freedom of the people in order for society to run the way they want. Furthermore, even the individuals making up the society are quite willing to sacrifice their souls in order to live in an imaginary world. As long as they perceive happiness to be present they are very content to live there. To live in the utopian imaginary worlds of Brave New World and Macbeth, freedom and individuality are often sacrificed. Sacrifice is often a necessity when attempting to create utopian societies. However, these sacrifices are not enough to convince every individual within the society. One of these individuals is Bernard, who was going to be exiled to Iceland by the director, because he does not believe in the society that individuals after Ford believed in. Even though Bernard was conditioned when he was a child, he could not accept what all the other individuals believed. Unlike the other individuals, Bernard has stunted growth and often felt isolated from the rest of society. Further alienating Bernard from the rest of society is his rejection of the promiscuous nature present in his society. He also exhibits the various characteristics of men who existed before Ford. Bernard Marx did not believe in the everyone belonged to everyone theme that was the norm in Fords society. The director wanted to exile Bernard Marx because he did not believe in the society that the director was enforcing. However, Bernard felt strong enough to meet and overcome affliction, strong enough to face even Iceland. (Huxley 106). This mentality was one of the many factors which set Bernard apart from the rest of society. Another man who sets himself apart from society is Macbeth. He plots and succeeds in killing King Duncan after hearing the witchs prophecies.  Macbeths reasons for killing King Duncan are numerous but most striking are greed and an unrelenting desire to become King. He also wants to make sure that he runs the country as he saw fit. Macbeth allows the prophecies to control him and his internal struggle is demonstrated by: This supernatural soliciting Cannot be ill; cannot be good: if ill why hath it given me earnest of success (Shakespeare 27). Despite his initial reluctance, he quiets his conscience leading to the brutal murder of King Duncan. I have done the deed (Shakespeare 70). Both stories show similarity between the Director and Macbeth, who are willing to sacrifice innocent lives to obtain the society they want. Wanting and achieving the society that is envisioned is always paralleled with loss and some sort of sacrifice. Bernard Marx sacrifices the little respect that he has by bringing John Savage back to the utopian society. Bernard and John both want the society to be more independent. Fortunately for Bernard and unfortunately for the director, society accepts John and questions their own lifestyle. Bernard believes that life should be exactly the same as John wants it to be I dont want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness, I want sin.(Huxley 237) Bernard took a huge risk in bringing John back to his society because he was risking definite exile to Iceland had society rejected John. Macbeth sacrifices his peace of mind and self-respect by killing Banquo and trying to kill Banquos son Fleance. At the feast Macbeth makes a fool of himself by talking to the imaginary ghost of Banquo. Blood hath been shed now, I the olden time, Ere human statute purged the gentle weal; Ay, and since too, muders have been performed Too terrible for the ear: the time has been, That when the brains were out, the man would die, And there an end: but now, they rise again, With twenty mortal murders on their crowns, And push us from our stools: this is more strange Than such a murder is.(Shakespeare 145)Many individuals take note of Macbeths strange behavior leading them to suspect him of some foul deed. Unfortunately for Macbeth, Macduff realizes that Macbeth is the true murderer. This realization leads to the eventual killing of Macbeth. This illustrates Macbeths sacrifice of his self respect and his life in order to fulfill his  prophecy. Many individuals are willing to sacrifice their souls in order to become part of the imaginary world where only happiness exists. John Savages mother, Linda, sacrifices her life by taking too much of a drug referred to as soma. Linda wants to get away from the real world and enter a world of happiness. Ever since she had a child with the Director her life changed for the worse. So the best people were quite determined not to see Linda. And Linda, for her part, had no desire to see them. The return to civilization was for her the return to soma, was the possibility of lying in bed and taking holiday after holiday, without ever having to come back to a headache or a fit of vomiting, without ever being made to feel as you always felt after peyotl, as though you’d done something so shamefully anti-social that you could never hold up your head again. Soma played none of these unpleasant tricks. The holiday it gave was perfect and, if the morning after was disagreeable, it was so, not intrinsically, but only by comparison with the joys of the holiday. The remedy was to make the holiday continuous. Greedily she clamoured for ever larger, ever more frequent doses. Dr. Shaw at first demurred; then let her have what she wanted. She took as much as twenty grammes a day (Huxley 107)Lenina introduces the drug to Linda as soon as Linda enters the world after Ford. Linda looses her life and dies at the hospital because of an overdose of soma, the drug that is supposed to provide happiness. Lady Macbeth also sacrifices her peace of mind and eventually her life so that Macbeth could be King. Lady Macbeth sets up the killing of King Duncan at the beginning of the novel. Throughout the novel, Lady Macbeth becomes involved in many of the murders committed by Macbeth. Unfortunately Lady Macbeth experiences a sleepwalking illness with recurring nightmares of the murder of King Duncan that could not be resolved. This disease is beyond my practice: yet I have known those which have walked in their sleep who have died holily in their beds.(Shakespeare 213). The lives of Linda and Lady Macbeth can also be viewed as victims of the utopian societies envisioned by the director and Macbeth. Freedom and individuality are sacrificed throughout Brave New World and  Macbeth in order to achieve the societies envisioned by the director and Macbeth. The director tried to exile Bernard just because Bernard did not accept the norm of the utopian society. Macbeth kills King Duncan after hearing the witchs prophecies of him being King so that he can run society the way he wants. Bernard sacrifices his respect by bringing John Savage back home. Macbeth also sacrifices his respect when he talks to the ghost of Banquo. Linda puts her soul on the line with an overdose of a drug called soma. Lady Macbeth also sacrifices her life in order for Macbeth to be King of Scotland. Many individuals throughout Brave New World and Macbeth sacrifice their freedom and individualism for the society that they believed in, even if it was not the society that was accepted by the majority of people. Bibliography Shakespeare, William, Date Modified: 1999, MacbethHuxley, Aldous, Date Modified: 1979, Brave New World

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Cat, a Dog and a Snake

There was a trio that once loved their life. Their lives are splendid. Do not get me wrong, they are not three friends, but they are actually three living animals living in a luxurious house. They can not even look at each other. But this situation will change soon. The first animal I want to introduce to you is a cat called a cat. Cats are gray British short hair with yellow eyes at sunrise. Next, there is a dog called a dog. A dog is a Dalmatian dog looking at the Hudson River. Scholarships can be divided into gin. They are said to be ameba, birds, cats, dogs, snakes, donkeys, lions, goats - at least once, buffaloes - and other humans, usually beautiful women. Extreme weather can drive them away and big dogs can. They like many hours after sunset before sunrise. If there is no unmanned construction site on the outskirts of the city, you have to go to a ridiculous place, preferably a cemetery if possible. Each djinn has a name, you need to write it on a piece of paper and burn it wi th musk, saffron and incense. To see them, you have to trust them, Shah explained. So, how do you teach the difference between Jon Snow and a dog and a cat? This is very intuitive - you take him for a walk When you see the cat, you point out it and say This is a cat. So you point out it again and say This is a dog. As time goes on, you will learn to distinguish between the two so that you keep showing a lot of dogs and cats. Classification: It is necessary to classify observations into groups. In the above figure, if you attach a point, you need to classify it as a blue dot or a red dot. There are several examples - do you anticipate whether a given email is spam or spam? Is the detected particle Higgs particle or ordinary elementary particle particle? You can also assign news articles to groups such as sports, weather, science etc. Most people live for a while when they choose to keep pets. Some people choose strange animals such as birds, snakes, and rodents. But most people choos e more common quadruped animals: cats and dogs. Dogs and cats share some common features, but they are very different animals that have different attitudes, needs and customs. Understanding these differences can help people choose between which of them is their best pet. Both cats and dogs give friends and friends to their owners, but they also strain your time and finances. Cats and dogs are charged. Regardless of the type of pet you need to take care of the shooting and the veterinarian in order to maintain the health of the animal. As with all animals, dogs and cats are bored, so you need toys to occupy them. They all need to eat. Most importantly, cats and dogs need a lot of love and attention. A Cat, a Dog and a Snake There was a trio that once loved their life. Their lives are splendid. Do not get me wrong, they are not three friends, but they are actually three living animals living in a luxurious house. They can not even look at each other. But this situation will change soon. The first animal I want to introduce to you is a cat called a cat. Cats are gray British short hair with yellow eyes at sunrise. Next, there is a dog called a dog. A dog is a Dalmatian dog looking at the Hudson River. Scholarships can be divided into gin. They are said to be ameba, birds, cats, dogs, snakes, donkeys, lions, goats - at least once, buffaloes - and other humans, usually beautiful women. Extreme weather can drive them away and big dogs can. They like many hours after sunset before sunrise. If there is no unmanned construction site on the outskirts of the city, you have to go to a ridiculous place, preferably a cemetery if possible. Each djinn has a name, you need to write it on a piece of paper and burn it wi th musk, saffron and incense. To see them, you have to trust them, Shah explained. So, how do you teach the difference between Jon Snow and a dog and a cat? This is very intuitive - you take him for a walk When you see the cat, you point out it and say This is a cat. So you point out it again and say This is a dog. As time goes on, you will learn to distinguish between the two so that you keep showing a lot of dogs and cats. Classification: It is necessary to classify observations into groups. In the above figure, if you attach a point, you need to classify it as a blue dot or a red dot. There are several examples - do you anticipate whether a given email is spam or spam? Is the detected particle Higgs particle or ordinary elementary particle particle? You can also assign news articles to groups such as sports, weather, science etc. Most people live for a while when they choose to keep pets. Some people choose strange animals such as birds, snakes, and rodents. But most people choos e more common quadruped animals: cats and dogs. Dogs and cats share some common features, but they are very different animals that have different attitudes, needs and customs. Understanding these differences can help people choose between which of them is their best pet. Both cats and dogs give friends and friends to their owners, but they also strain your time and finances. Cats and dogs are charged. Regardless of the type of pet you need to take care of the shooting and the veterinarian in order to maintain the health of the animal. As with all animals, dogs and cats are bored, so you need toys to occupy them. They all need to eat. Most importantly, cats and dogs need a lot of love and attention.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Process of emotion in the workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Process of emotion in the workplace - Essay Example In exploring this topic, consider workplace factors that influence burnout, individual factors that influence employees to suffer exhaustion, and results of burnout. Emotion is considered as Energy in motion. That’s what it feels like, an energy moving through the body. Emotions are an attempt to express outwardly, to express what a person believes. Emotion is the central part of organizational life. The role of emotion has been studied through the consideration of emotional content of the job. Some jobs are characterized by the emotional labor and other jobs marked by a combination both genuine and managed emotion. Much of the emotion in the work place comes not from the nature of job but from relationship with others and day to day activities in the organization. Most research considers emotion that is controlled through training and employee manuals. The majority research shows that emotional exhibits that created through deep acting or surface acting is somehow not genuine indicators of true emotion. All job linked emotions do not have this feature. The problem with this conception of emotional labor is that it does not allow to instinctively and authentically experience and expresses expected emotion. There are times when workers feel real emotions on the job and express those emotions in interactions. This kind genuine emotion on the job often involves people who hold professional positions in industries such as health care, education, or human services. Workers in these roles rarely have instruction on emotion management that clearly spells out how to manage such situations. Still, such individuals do deal with a lot of emotion on the job both of a ‘genuine’ and ‘managed’ variety. For example a nurse has to man age with the genuine emotion (e.g., the sorrow of having a patient die) and express emotions that he may not actually feel (e.g. dealing with ‘difficult’ patients in a cheerful or professional way). Individuals

Annotated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 13

Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example The source further reveals that self service automated customer care need not be low quality now that they are often low cost. From the source, it emerges that Google needs to do a lot in terms of improving its customer service including making better designs of its products. This web article provides a detailed analysis of the strategies used by Google to position itself in the market. Among other issues that the article discusses is Google’s positioning with respect to Google branded smartphones, notebooks, and tablets. It emerges from the source that one of Google’s supply chain objectives is to commoditize sectors that it cannot dominate cheaply. Nassivera, J. (2014, June 12). Google introduces My Business service to improve company and customer relationship. HNGN. Retrieved from In this web article, Nassivera discusses about Google’s innovative product that goes by the name â€Å"Google My Business†. The product is dedicated to improving customer relations and is targeted at businesses across all economic sectors. The product makes it possible for businesses to identify and serve loyal customers though such services as Hangout and Google plus. Apart from the information that the source provides in respect of Google My Business, the business provides vital statistics related to the number of small businesses that own websites. Shwartz’s article reveals the thoughts of a Googler, DeWitt Clinton, on why it is not feasible for Google to maintain a customer support team. The article reveals that on a global scale, Google has billions of users every day, only a very minute percentage of this population requiring support. The organization would need roughly 20, 833 people to work as part of its support team to meet the global demand for support

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Global Transportation Providers APL; OHL; COSCO Essay

Global Transportation Providers APL; OHL; COSCO - Essay Example OHL OHL is one of the largest third party logistic services providers in the world. It provides supply chain management services to top organizations of the world. Its services include transportation, custom brokerage, warehousing etc. Its tracking system is one of the most sophisticated in the world. Its shipment tracking system is based on GPS and EDI shipment tracking system and offer real time tracking system. OHL also does not provide facility to track the shipments online from any web browser whereas APL provides such facility. COSCO COSCO is relatively young company with over 25 years of experience in the industry. It uses an innovative and new technology to track its shipments. It serves mostly Asian markets including Japan, rest of Asia, North America and Europe. It manages IRIS-2 system which helps to manage its shipment tracking. It is considered as one of the most sophisticated systems in the industry. Advantages & Disadvantages One of the most important advantages of shipment tracking system for any transportation firm is the fact that it provides the company necessary flexibility as well as depth and breadth to mange cargos on large scales. Though most of the systems used by modern shipping companies are technology based therefore they enjoy the necessary advantages due to their technological superiority. As for as the system of APL is concerned, it is considered as one of the highly sophisticated and state of art system. In its essence, this is wireless system based on RFID. APL attaches RFID tags to most of its shipments to track their shipments. (Cox, 2006). However, the real draw back of this system is the fact the tags need to past certain posts in order to located therefore if a new container replaces another one the it may take a bit longer for the system to accurately give the real time location of the shipments based on their time. It is also important to understand that APL is also using WAVES which is based on a very complex technology which provides a much greater advantage over its competitors because it is not used by any other transportation firms in the world. This propriety use of a very complex and sophisticated system provide necessary competitive advantage. The shipment tracking system of OHL is a bit old and is considered as less sophisticated than APL. Based on GPS and EDI, this system is bit slower especially in terms of downloading the data from the real time location to the servers of the firm therefore accurate tracking takes slightly higher than other systems such as with APL. COSCO's system is supported by Sybase Inc. Sybase is one of the highly regarded company in terms of producing robust and sophisticated systems. COSCO adapted "Sybase's Adaptive Server Enterprise, Replication Server, Open Client and jConnect in its IRIS-2 System for data collection, storage, conversion, processing and analysis" (Connolly, 2008). The system employed by COSCON is much more sophisticated than the systems at APL and OHL. It not only provides a much more comprehensive tracking of the shipments but also enable COSCON to analyze the data on real time basis. However, it is also importan

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Chatelperronian Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Chatelperronian - Dissertation Example As part of the Palaeolithic, there is heavy use of the lithic reduction technique and an emphasis on the use of one or two striking points as a way of creating stone tools (Movius, 1969). One of the most interesting aspects of the Chatelperronian industry is that many of the finds correspond to the period of transition between the middle and upper Palaeolithic eras, meaning that the Chatelperronian industry could straddle the interactions between Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens (Lenoble, 2008). In fact, recent analysis of bone samples from the Grotte du Renne and Saint Cesaire areas of France suggest that there are Chatelperronian tools that have been manufactured by Neanderthals (Hublin et al, 2012).. Evidence suggests that it was manufactured by later Neanderthals after interaction with Homo sapiens, suggesting that there may have been a cultural overlap between the two species and some sharing of ideas (Hublin et al, 2012) As previously mentioned, many of the key sites for research into the Chatelperronian industry are based in France, with St. Cesaire, Grotte du Renne at Arcy-sur-Cure, La Ferassie, Brassempouy, Roc de Combe and Le Piage being the most important and the most well-covered by the literature (Mellars, 2000). These sites have thrown up countless pieces of lithic evidence, including several types of stone tool that can be compared to Mousterian occupation artefacts (Harrold, 1981). Additionally, these sites have also shown that there are some key important features of the Chatelperronian industry, including the use of bone, shell and ivory in the tool-making proves – not often found at other archaeological sites of the same era (Lenoble, 2008). The history of research into the Chatelperronian is varied. At the Grotte des Fees, there are two cave entrances which play an important part in the development of the excavations in the areas. These were named in 1955 by Henri Delporte (Bailey & Hublin, 2006). However, the area has been of interest t o archaeologists for some time, with Bailleau excavating and exploring the area since 1869 (Bailey & Hublin, 2006). The recognition of the site as important historically comes from these two researchers, who built on early recognition of the site in the middle parts of the 19th century by discovering fossilferous deposits full of relevant faunal remains (Riel-Salvatore et al, 2008). Early research by Bailleau focused mainly on the two caves in the area, which feature two levels – one of sands and silts from the Graveron river and deposit later of Gallo-Roman pots. In this early research, there was no evidence of bones or flint artefacts – later believed to be the result of Gallo-Roman looting or later railway workers in the area (Lenoble, 2008). It was the second cave that was explored that was more important archaeologically because it was intact and full of modern animal species remains. There was still no evidence of flint artefacts at this stage of excavation, alth ough Bailleau interpreted some of the animal bone evidence from the second cave as proof that there was human activity at some point during the Pleistocene (Lenoble, 2008). It was actually the later work of Delporte that highlighted the importance of the site as a transition between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens. A series of small tests in 1962 showed that further excavations beyond the west profile of the cave wall showed

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Introduction of Popular Music in School Music Curriculum Essay

The Introduction of Popular Music in School Music Curriculum - Essay Example In most societies in human civilisation’s timeline, there has been a great regard to various art forms, and these are often included in the daily lives of these peoples. Music is considered to be one of these important art forms that not only serve an aesthetic purpose, but also as part of the community’s culture, traditions, and spiritual living. While music is not something that everyone must do in any given society, it has been a universally-accepted truth that aside from all other humanistic artistic pursuits, music is a key universal feature in human civilisation (Green, 2003, p. 263). Such is high regard for music that long after modernisation and expansion of science and technology, there is still room for the inclusion of music in nearly every aspect of human society and culture from business (i.e. showbiz and merchandising) to social stance (i.e. music in defining political standpoint), thus it is still included in nearly every school curricula from the past to the present. Music education among various levels of schooling has been the norm for most educational systems and often lauded as a strong means of empowering and changing students and teachers (Abrahams, 2005, p. 12). Positive effects of music learning like instilling different virtues and attitudes among music students such as discipline and teamwork and improving literacy rates and increasing social awareness within the musical context are included in the many reasons why music is still a strong part of educational curricula in all levels of education despite a world-wide decrease in funds allotted for education in most nations (Philpott & Plummeridge, 2001; Tagg, 1982, p. 40). Aside from music as a universal concept and idea, it is considered a part of tradition and culture, giving people their unique identity amidst a fast-paced modern life (Lamont & Maton, 2010). Music’s importance and relevance is still recognised, and as a strong component of aesthetics music educati on remains to be integrated in most schools’ current curricula. At present most schools’ music curricula focus on traditional teaching music through the use of different scales, notations, sight reading, harmonisation and other musical concepts associated with traditional music lessons, along with musical styles of church hymns, orchestral and solo instruments typical of the early European classical pieces (Swanwick, 2002). While there has been observed advanced developments in other curricula such as science, mathematics, literature, and sociology, teaching methods in musical education have not changed much since the introduction of the public schooling system, making it lag behind from other fields of study. Because of this, lessons appear to focus on music that most of the younger generation consider â€Å"church music†, â€Å"old people music† or â€Å"archaic†, making them care less and deem these to be of lesser regard as opposed to say, musi c from the 1970’s and beyond (Jorgensen, 2003, p. 4). This way of thinking pushes the need to include other aspects of music that the present generation has greater appreciation of into the school curriculum, to increase the interest of the students in learning music and to improve their perception in learning the important principles of music as a whole (Frith, 1998). However, the fact that most academicians have less regard on popular music makes it harder to integrate this kind of music genre into an academic setting, as popular music has often been considered to be unimaginative, has lesser variation in style, timbre, etc., highly-repetitive, and comparable to mass-produced items (Lebler, 2008; Serra, Corral, Boguna, Haro & Ll. Arcos, 2012). Stigma associated with popular music does not give it justice to be taught formally to younger generations, which makes it difficult to integrate it into formal music curricula. Thankfully, there were changes in this viewpoint recentl y, and it is possible that through a compromise between the introduction

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Instructions for Writing Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Instructions for Writing Global Warming - Essay Example Whether we are right or wrong on this score, I still think that it is necessary to conserve the balance of nature in order to keep our earth healthy, thus ensuring that future generations of humans as well as other living beings benefit and thrive as we have done for so many generations. For hundreds of thousands of years, the concentration of greenhouse gases mainly consisting of carbon dioxide and the average global temperature have fluctuated causing the various ice ages. However, for the last several thousands of years a balance in the carbon dioxide emitted and that absorbed by nature has resulted in fairly stable temperatures that have allowed human civilization to develop and thrive. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased by more than a third since the industrial revolution. Historically such great changes have taken place slowly over thousands of years. This clearly points to increase in human emissions. Industrialization and its hunger for power and speed have led to drastic changes in human lifestyles during the last century. This I believe is the main cause for increasing temperatures, and the sooner we do something about it the better. I believe that if we are able to take measures to reduce the amount of our own carbon emissions, w e can help restore nature’s balance. Governments can help fund research into eco friendly modes of transport and green buildings as well as reward those who comply with these eco friendly measures. If a mode of transport becomes more affordable or is made more desirable by other means, there will be more people lining up for it. Incentives given to industries that conserve energy, improve energy efficiency or use cleaner sources of energy would be effective in reducing emissions. Professor Andrew Hoffman of the University of Michigan calls energy efficiency â€Å"low hanging fruit† while reporting that many companies have found â€Å"easily identifiable solutions for lowering

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Proposition 8 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Proposition 8 - Research Paper Example null and void by the federal courts had created an amendment to the Californias constitution that said that marriages between a man and woman were legal and enforceable by law declaring al same sex marriages as unenforceable. Before its passing, the California states same-sex marriages were protected by right. Despite the affirmation by the Californias supreme courts in May 2008, the legislation went ahead and prepared the proposition. The campaigns around the proposition 8w ere highly contested. The repercussion of the vote, an influential focus on Proposition 8 was sustained with demonstration around the state, country and litigation1. It has a focus on several aspects of the proposal and campaign funding. Three court cases seeking to nullify Proposition 8 were put up just after the election in November. In addition, the California Supreme Court proclaimed it would consider the lawsuits. In May, 2009, the Supreme Court of California upheld the amendment to the constitution2. Proposition 8 is uncomplicated and straightforward. It contained the identical 14 words that were beforehand accepted in 2000 by approximately 61% of votes in California: â€Å"Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.† The sentiments in the proposition 8 were not first raised in the proposal, they had been earlier raised in the year 2000 where nearly 61 percent of the votes in California in the state. The vote was consequently overturned by a panel of four judges. Further activism sort to redeem the "peoples choice" through a constitutional amendment. The activism sort to "restore the definition of marriage" which was a union between a man and a woman. According to the creators of the proposition, it had an aim of protecting the institution of marriage, but was not an attack towards the gay fraternity. Notable is that the proposition has no intention of infringing on the benefits and rights bestowed on both gays and lesbians who are in domestic union or

Rationale, Treatment, Objectives Essay Example for Free

Rationale, Treatment, Objectives Essay The group has decided to teach this age group because the group believes that in this age group, the minds of the children are still very curious and retention can be increased because of their curious nature. The group has seen this topic as an important lesson to tech to children because we are human being and we need to know what is going on in our body. So we can understand what we need to eat and what is harmful to our body. We also need to know the process and we need to know how can we keep our body healthy. The group has also decided that the medium to be used for this project will be the E-Module, because it has the capacity of stimulating more than one sense of the body (hearing and sight). As discussed in previous lessons in DEVC 40, the more senses we stimulate, the more information is retained. Also, the E-Module format is more participatory, making the learner a part of the learning process. It is an interactive format, meaning learner participation is a must to proceed. It also makes learning more fun for the learner, therefore encouraging the participants to learn and get more out of the module. So this module can be very useful especially to the slow learners. They can learn while enjoying and as we all know, kids like colorful things and interactive type of learning rather than mere lecture. Finally, given the right hardware, the E-Module is accessible any since it can be put in a CD or it can be uploaded to the internet. This means the material can be viewed by anyone with a computer, or with anyone who has a connection to the internet. Treatment: The E-Module will be done using google chrome browser because it is an instant flash player. The E-Module will have a home page where the Digestive system is displayed. Links will then be displayed in one of the sides of the screen, probably on the top or the left side. These links will specify the topics that are to be discussed within the lesson. When the learner clicks on a link, he will be navigated to a page where the introduction to the topic is shown. To proceed, the student must click on the arrow next link. At the end of each sub-lesson, a brief summary will be presented. After this, the student will be given the option of continuing with the â€Å"normal† flow of the lesson or go back to the home page to choose a topic that the learner wishes to take or just continue clicking on the next tab until the final lesson is reached. At the games section, there will be games and one of it will serve as quiz. The quiz will be a traditional question and answer type or a game. At the end of the module, credits will be shown. Objectives: After viewing the E-Module, the participants must be able to perform the following: a. State at least four parts of the digestive system and its function. b. Explain in at least two sentences on digestion process. c. Identify at least six correct answers on quiz.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ford Motor’s Financial Health Progress Report Essay Example for Free

Ford Motor’s Financial Health Progress Report Essay In the coming week, Learning Team B will discuss the financial health of Ford Motor Co. The discussion will include an analysis of the current financial condition after calculating profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, activity ratios, and solvency ratios. We will answer questions about where the company began, how the company manages their investments, and where the company is now financially. We will also look at the DuPont Method as it relates to Ford Motor Co. and their financial troubles. Specific Task that have been Accomplished How Much the Company has borrowed? It has been discovered that Ford Motor Co. borrowed 23.5 billion dollars in 2006 from the government in an effort to reduce debt. Ford Motor Company’s debt liabilities, long term-debts, current notes is the total of what the company has borrowed. Define the Business Need Because of the money borrowed, Ford is in better shape than General Motors and Chrysler. The financial ratios, profitability, liquidity, activity, solvency, have already been calculated. The business need will include high-level deliverables to resolve problems. The business needs of the Ford Motor Company is to improve in the area of return on equity and return on capital by addressing customer service needs and customer satisfaction as a means of retention of reputation and quality assurance. How liquid is the Company The liquidation of Ford Motor Company can easily be defined as the ability in which as asset can be converted into cash, to meet short-term financial obligations. In order for Ford to meet this obligation, the company has to have more liquid. The company can calculate their liquids by using financial rations such as cash ratio, quick ratio, and current ratio. How Efficiently the Organization is using its Assets This will be determined by using the Debt Ratios of the company’s liabilities and assets. Additionally, the straight line depreciation method will be used to determine if assets are profitable or assuming greater debt to the company. Strength and weakness The strength and weakness of an organization is crucial. According to (Titman, Keown, Martin, p. 79), â€Å"Financial ratios provide a second method for standardizing the financial information in the income statement and balance sheet. Ratios answer questions about the firm’s financial health or strength and weaknesses.† The relevant questions are how liquid is the firm, will it be able to pay on time, did the firm finance the purchase of assets, is the management efficient in utilizing assets to generate sales, is ROI adequate based on the organization financial goals and objectives, and are shareholders getting value for their investment. The ratio mechanism is liquidity, capital structure, and asset management efficiency, profitability, and market value ratios assessments. â€Å"The acid test is the current ratio to assess firm liquidity; we assume that the firm’s accounts receivable will be collected and turned into cash on a timely basis and that its inventories can be sold without an extended delay. But the truth is that a company’s inventory might not be very liquid at all, (Titman, Keown, Martin, p. 80).† Debt Equity Financing According to (, 2014), â€Å"Debt financing requires borrowing money, usually as a loan from a bank, financial institution or commercial finance companies, to fund investment of the organization.† Organizations must keep in mind that debt builds credit that s supports lower insurance rates and future borrowing. Additionally, an organization can gain a tax deductible interest rate to lessen the impact of repayment. Equity financing requires investment partners that provide funding for a share of ownership. Each type of financing has advantages and disadvantages of appeal, organizations use both to finance investment ventures. Problems, Solutions, and Potential Issues The high-level of deliverables occurs according to the Britannica (2014)  website â€Å"because of financial struggles at the beginning of the 21st century, the company sold off Aston Martin in 2007 and both Jaguar and Land Rover in 2008.† In addition to selling â€Å"Ford manufactures passenger cars, trucks, and tractors as well as parts and accessories.† Next Steps The team should further expound on the business need of Ford Motor Co. The Market Value Added (EVA) and Economic Value Added (EVA) have been research, but need to be further researched to explain difference it makes for Ford Motor Co. All ratios and ROE need to be calculated and explained: ELIZABETH Profitability Ratio Liquidity Ratio Activity Ratio Solvency Ratio ROE DuPont Method Finally, the team needs to determine how profitable the organization is at the end of the research. Conclusion In concluding, Learning Team B discusses the financial health of Ford Motor Company within a progress report. The report includes an analysis of the current financial condition after calculating profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, activity ratios, and solvency ratios. The report answer questions about where the company began, how the company manages their investments, and where the company is now financially. The report finally looks into the DuPont Method as it relates to Ford Motor Co. and their financial troubles.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

E-commerce travel industry

E-commerce travel industry Introduction According to Keith Blois, (2003), in recent years, increasing numbers of businesses have been using the Internet in their marketing efforts. The Internet is unique because it is both a market and a medium. This means that it can efficiently assume a multi-channel role by serving as a computer-mediated market in which buyers and sellers access each other, and as a medium to conduct and execute business functions such as marketing, sales, and distribution. Many e-commerce principles were pioneered by the travel industry. These include the first business-to-business electronic information exchange and industry-wide electronic marketplace. This environment provided unprecedented opportunity for operations research (OR) modeling. Travel companies continue to derive billions of dollars annually from these and derivative models. The availability of reliable, low-cost communications via the Internet is not only providing new modeling challenges within the travel industry, but it is also providing similar opportunities in other industries [1]. Tourism industry is one of the most competitive industries within the economic environment. Within industrys boundaries actors have more or less recently and with significantly different patterns of action undertaken efforts to achieve an integration of the internet platform and its applications. In this section, we explore the effects of electronic commerce and its potential for competitive advantage f or airline industry by using Michael Porters seminar work on industry analysis as a framework.  § Website Comparison The moment I visit the Travel city site -the first page gives me the impression that my country, Sultanate of Oman is not there in listed? And I dont like it that my country is not listed here. Moving in to the website with this sad feeling in mind that my country is not listed we go ahead to log in to one of the global sites as they say, the nearest country, and the company wants to say too many things in one go to the customers and this is something that is difficult to digest for the first time visitors. The first-timer is very confused to be able to relate to all the features in the website. Though the regional flavor and link through the local site helps it is difficult to do a very high level of localization of the content to cater to all the segments of the market The look and feel of this website is a lot cleaner than other travel companies website for instance in Travel city. The most important feature that this website it that most of the commonly used menus are neatly tucked inside the main menus and just on the movement of the mouse they unfold in to the options. This is a very good feature that helps maintain the clean looks and still does not compromise on the functionality This Polaris group company that is selling the HR software is using the website more for servicing functionalities The overall framework: Generating demand Ordering Fulfillment Processing payments Service and support Security Community Regardless of which business model travel companies adopt, to be successful, travel companies need to understand how the Web and e-commerce affects their business [2]. Travel companies need to develop an overall strategy covering: strategic management, IT infrastructure, design, content, e-commerce systems, marketing and customer service. Travel companies also need to be creative and entrepreneurial. As every entrepreneur knows however, you will only be truly successful if you provide genuine value to your customers and solve a problem for them. As it is evident from the above list that its easy to navigate through the website by following the links. Its user friendly and the home page of the airlines gives a glance of the services provided by them and the beautiful destinations and the activities which can be performed. It also gives the information about the hotels and resorts in each destination. All the document or equipments requirement for all the situations is also mentioned i n the website e.g. when traveling with pet, traveling with children, baggage rules etc. Over all it gives every possible information to the passengers they might need to make their travel plan and during their stay at various destinations. Sources of Competitive Advantage Travel companies do conform to those which Porter describes: Cost Leadership, Differentiation and Focus. The proposition is that travel companies that can successfully work in one of these areas will be able to establish and sustain a competitive advantage.  § Cost Leadership Travel companies can generate significant cost savings by sending tickets, newsletters, quotes, and other documents via Internet, rather than by post or facsimile. Travel companies can use Web site to publish in a cost-effective way public domain documents such as annual reports, product brochures, positions vacant, contact details and other important Travel companies information. Travel companies can save on the cost of running â€Å"bricks and mortar† outlets and can reach global markets without having to develop a physical global distribution network. Most importantly, Travel companies can save on customer service costs by enabling customers to serve themselves. One of the American Travel companies CEO said that the Web site is playing a major role in mitigating the rise in unit costs affected by high fuel prices. Its 10 times cheaper to deliver to customers through the online service than through a travel companys agent and costs 5 times less than using travel companiess own reservation staff. The booking cost per passenger online is well under $1, and is scaling down even further. He said Internet use by passengers was helping the carrier keep fares at low discount levels [4]. Massive investment in both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customer (B2C) information systems is expected to translate into important cost savings in procurement, sales, billing and other support activities. The travel companiess fully automatic ordering system, for example, should reduce order processing costs by 90%. [5].  § Differentiation E-ticketing the issue of a booking code at the conclusion online transition that replaces the traditional travel companies ticket. E-ticketing seems to be a win-win solution for the travel companies business. It offers the travel companies the chance to make considerable savings in both trade terms as well as in invoicing and internal accountancy procedures. Moreover, it helps to fight the downward profit spiral that has affected the industry for years. Secondly, it is very attractive to customers, who may benefit from a service offer both technologically advanced and of high intrinsic value.  § Focus The travel industry gives us a perfect example of successful Focus strategies that is the so-called â€Å"Integrated Operators† of the travel business. FedEx, the integrated cargo carrier, was the pioneer. Having developed a very efficient and fully computerized system for tracking individual parcels anywhere on its network it took the next logical step. In 1994, through its website, it allowed its customers to book and pay for its services without restriction via the Internet [6]. The e-Commerce infrastructure developed by travel companies allows collection and central storage of sales and marketing data. Travel companies use this data to drive decision support tools for planning and marketing.  § The Business Theories and concepts: The old pillars and new meanings The Laudon and Traver framework 2005 is very elaborate explaining the different pillars that have contributed to the development of the E-Commerce framework. This framework at the very top of the list has E-Commerce application that can be used for the development of businesses in the future. These applications may seem at the outset like out of a science fiction book but are indeed realities. The disintermediation and Reintermediation: The travel agents for example it was believed that will lose their jobs when more people are interested on online business but interestingly the use of these web-enabled features have only increased the use and conveniences of these businesses. For example two of the three websites that have been taken up for analysis by our group are Travel websites. These are supposed to wipe out the businesses of the intermediary called the travel agent but interestingly, these have added to the convenience of the travel agent hence creating a new intermediary. The Grover V and J Teng (2001) model of the infomediaries and information flow model gives a more clear idea about the various channels that carry information between the buyers/sellers and the infomediaries. The Themes: Hence the themes that came up to us were the B2C models and we were interested in looking specifically at the travel related websites. There was one website travel that we could not get an approval for but the group was happy to consider the business model of B2C B2C: The group was of a very uniform opinion that the websites have to be B2B only since some of the data that was spoken about were like $ 250 billion revenue in 2005 from B2B as against 6.3 trillion in B2C. Although the difference is huge the group came to a strong consensus that the gap will be bridged and it will be worth pursuing with all the hopes for new business models in the future happening in the B2C segment rather than the B2C segment. The death of the Physical travel agent or the focus on creation of new intermediaries Considering the new intermediaries that are being evolved because of the e-business it is was discussed if the websites will wipe away the travel agent. But the discussion pointed in the direction of all websites have been playing a supportive roles in the B2C front and the travel agent themselves are using these websites to help customers and give them a better service. The website that sells software has been using the site to reach out to the resellers as well. In a business where there is a very high connectivity on the internet, this is a unique feature that this company is using it build customer loyalty as well as expand the channel of distribution.  § The criteria for evaluating the websites: Adrenalin South West Travelocity Site Design 6 8 6 Navigation 6 8 6 Customer Interface 9 7 7 Business Model 8 7 6 Criteria Explanation Navigation Is it easy for visitors to find their way around the site? Does the site comply with three click rule? Consistency Are design elements, especially look and feel, consistent from page to page? Will the website and contents appear the same on all visitors screens? Performance How long does it take for the page to appear? Doest site comply with the 12-second rule? With the 4-second rule? Appearance Is the site aesthetically pleasing? Does the sites look and feel express the companys desired image? Is the site easy to read, easy to navigate and easy to understand? Quality Assurance Do the site calculators, navigation links, visitors registration process, search tool etc. wok properly? Are all the dead links fixed promptly? Is the site available for the full service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Interactivity Does site encourage the visitor to play an active role in learning about the businesss products or services? Are all appropriate contact details available on the Website so that visitors can submit feedback and ask questions? Security Is the customer information protected? Does the customer feel safe in actions such as submitting credit card information? Scalability Does the site design provide a seamless path for enhancements or upgrades in the future? Will site growth and increased usage protect the initial investment in the site construction? The Criteria for assessment were selected after deliberations on how the customer will view the details of the site. The criteria customer interface was included to assess how the company was recording the details of the customer traffic and recording them in to usable database. In the case of Southwest it was very clear that the website is a place for building the loyalty programs of the airlines. The Adrenalin website is a good place with its feature of blog, for all troubleshooting and technical whitepapers How Web Site Visitors Evaluate â€Å"Content† Criteria (and related â€Å"subcriteria†) Explanation Relevance (applicable, related, clear) Concerned with issues such as relevancy, clearness and â€Å"goodness† of the information Timeliness (current, continuously updated) Concerned with the currency of the information Reliability (believable, accurate, consistent) Concerned with the degree of accuracy, dependability and consistency of information Scope (sufficient, complete, covers a wide range, detailed) Evaluates the extent of information, range of information and levels of details provided by the web site. Perceived usefulness (informative, valuable, instrumental) Visitors assessment of the likelihood that the information will enhance their purchasing decision How Web Site Visitors Evaluate â€Å"Web Site Design† Criteria (and related â€Å"subcriteria†) Explanation Access (responsive, load quickly) Refers to the speed of access and the availability of the website at all times. Usability (simple layout, easy to use, well organized, visually attractive, fun, clear design) Concerned with the extent to which the website is visually appealing, consistent, fun and easy to use. Navigation Evaluates the links to needed information. Interactivity (customized product, search engine, ability to create a list of items, change the list of items and find related items) Evaluates the search engine and personal features (e.g. shopping cart) of the website. Recommendation: Website should be more informative. It should be easy to navigate through various pages even for the new online users. Since the Travel Agency is providing lot of services and products for its customers so must have â€Å"Search† function should have drop down menu so that even the customer who are not aware about all products and services of the Travel Agency can get information about it. May be it will help the Travel Agency to have more customers as sometime customers are not aware about all the products offered by the Travel Agency. As it is clear from the financial report of Travel Agency which is available on website that the latest report is not available i.e. for third quarter. So it should be taken care that the website is updated regularly.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Irony in Pride and Prejudice Essay -- Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice is one of the most popular novels written by Jane Austen. This romantic novel, the story of which revolves around relationships and the difficulties of being in love, was not much of a success in Austen's own time. However, it has grown in its importance to literary critics and readerships over the last hundred years. There are many facets to the story that make reading it not only amusing but also highly interesting. The reader can learn much about the upper-class society of this age, and also gets an insight to the author's opinion about this society. Austen presents the high-society of her time from an observational point of view, ironically describing human behavior. She describes what she sees and adds her own comments to it in a very light and easy way. She never seems to be condescending or snubbing in her criticism but applies it in a playful manner. This playfulness, and her witty, ironic comments on society are probably the main reasons that make this no vel still so enjoyable for readers today. Some rules and characteristics depicted in the story seem very peculiar and are hard to conceive by people of our generation. Nevertheless, the descriptions of the goings-on in that society are so lively and sparkling with irony that most people cannot help but like the novel. Jane Austen applies irony on different levels in her novel Pride and Prejudice. She uses various means of making her opinion on 18th century society known to the reader through her vivid and ironic descriptions used in the book. To bring this paper into focus, I will discuss two separate means of applying irony, as pertaining to a select few of the book's characters. The novel is introduced by an omniscient narrator, unknown to the reader... ...ual way of life. He even finds his humor again, so much as to write a letter to Mr. Collins, when it is resolved that Elizabeth will marry Mr. Darcy. He writes: I must trouble you once more for congratulations. (p. 277). This is clearly ironic, because congratulations for the marriage of Wickham and Lydia must have been perceived as sheer mockery, or as congratulations for having reduced the embarrassment as much as possible by legitimating their relationship. His comparison of this marriage with Elizabeth's pleasant marriage is his cynical way of looking at the world. These are only a few examples of how Austen uses irony in Pride and Prejudice. There is much more to say about this topic: this serves only as a brief discussion. My references are made to this edition: Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. New York: Modern Library Edition, Random House Inc., 2005.

Change Management Essay -- essays research papers fc

What a manager does and how it is done can be categorised by Henri Fayol’s four functions of management: Planning, Organising, Leading and Controlling. Through these functions managers can be catalysts for change or by definition change agents – â€Å"People who act as catalysts and manage the change process.† (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg and Coulter, 2000, p.438) Wether performing the role of the change agent or not, change is an integral part of a manager’s job. Change is â€Å"An alteration in people, structure or technology.† (Robbins et al., 2000, p.437) Change occurs within and around organisations today at an unprecedented speed and complexity. Change poses threats and creates opportunities. The fact that change creates opportunities is reason why managers need to encourage change.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What a manager can change falls distinctively into the three categories stated in the definition of change: people, structure and technology. The manager can make alterations in these areas in an attempt to adapt to or facilitate change. The change of people involves changing attitudes, expectations, perceptions and behaviour. These changes ar used to help people within organisations to work together more effectively. Changing structure relates to job design, job specialisation, hierarchy, formalisation and all other organisational structural variables. These changes are ones that need to be flexible and not static to be adaptable to change. Technological change entails modification of work processes and methods and the introduction of new equipment. Changes in this area have been enormous especially in the areas of computing and communications. An organisation’s environment has both specific and general components, or micro and macro environments. The organisation also has its own personality or culture. This environment and culture can be the generator of forces for change. Needs from within the organisation can stimulate change, these are internal forces for change. â€Å"Of course, the distinction between external and internal forces is blurred because an internally induced change may be prompted by the perception of an external event.† (Barney & Griffin, 1992, p.755) Today’s organisations are characterised by frequent disruptions to its environment. New strategy, new technology and change in employee mix or attitudes are all internal factors that can c... ...uture. In a chaotic, dynamic world of change we must be able to come up with new ideas and inventions in order to compete in the global market. Those who are good innovators are the ones who can gain competitive advantages. Change and survival are synonymous. Survival demands change. Managers must be intuitive and read the current and changing situation surrounding them and make the best decision to coordinate work and apply resources. We have discussed what change is, how we depict it and what forces or creates change. Change implemented correctly can unleash employee creativity and potential, reduce bureaucracy and costs, and provide ongoing improvement for an organisation. Given these benefits it would seem a good idea to encourage change. BIBLIOGRAPHY Barney, J., Ricky, W., (1992), The Management of Organisations, Houghton Mifflin Company, U.S.A. Cummings, T., (1997), Worley, C., Organization Development & Change, South-Western College Publishing, Ohio. Graham, R., Englund, R., (1997), Creating an Environment for Successful Projects, Jossey-Bass Inc., California. Robbins, S., Bergman, R., Stagg, I., Coulter, M. (2000), Management, Prentice-Hall Australia Pty Ltd, Sydney.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Nontraditional Traditions :: essays research papers

Nontraditional Tradtions We live in an age in which it is hard to spend time together as a family. Many families today wonder if having quality time together is a thing of the past. We are inordinately busy, for one thing, whether household bread-winners or college students. Also, the definition of family has changed. We are dealing with new definitions and characterizations of the idea of family. Some of us have traditional families. Some families have divorced, single, and/or remarried parents, creating a rather confusing family tree. Some people choose to live their lives alone, but may still be close enough to some friends to consider them family. Whatever the circumstances, many of us honestly don't know how to celebrate together. We may even see the word "tradition" as something stultifying and old, having no meaning for or application to us personally; something usually being forced upon us by someone who smells funny and is only seen on holidays. What all of this means is that we can no longer simply follow the examples of old. It is up to us to create new family traditions. Celebrating is not hard. We all know about celebrating and have some ways of doing it. The only challenge is to find new ways. Why do we need to celebrate tradition? It gives us something to look forward to and makes a formal statement that there are some things in life to be grateful for. The notion of honoring tradition is unsettling for some people; let alone creating new ones. We understand that we need something to add a sense of order and stability to our lives. But we are not sure about how to create our own traditions. We seem to think that traditions must be heavy and complex ideas that had been around for hundreds of years and will be around for a hundred more. In my opinion, this is not true. It need not be big or religious at all. I believe a tradition is something that you do once that feels good, so you do it again and again. The tale in Frost's "Mending Wall" can be viewed as an impromptu tradition. The two neighbors needing to repair the wall after the winter chill, find time to converse with each other about what's on their minds. For example, every Sunday my dad makes tea and puts out two cups, his and mine. I am used to this. If I had to reach in the cupboard to get my own cup, something would be wrong. As it is, I get up out of my bed, I go into

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Stupidest Angel Chapter 7

Chapter 7 MORNING IS BROKEN It was Wednesday morning, three days before Christmas, when Lena Marquez awoke to find a strange man in her bed. The phone was ringing and the guy next to her made a moaning sound. He was partially covered by the sheets, but Lena was pretty sure that he was naked. â€Å"Hello,† she said into the phone. She lifted the sheet to look. Yep, he was naked. â€Å"Lena, there's supposed to be a storm on Christmas Eve and we were going to have Mavis barbecue for Lonesome Christmas but she can't if it's raining and I yelled at Theo last night and went out and walked around in the dark for two hours and I think he thinks I'm crazy and you should probably know that Dale didn't come home last night and his new – uh, the other, uh – the woman he lives with called Theo in a panic and he – ; â€Å"Molly?† â€Å"Yeah, hi, how you doing?† Lena looked at the clock on the nightstand, then back at the naked man. â€Å"Molly, it's six-thirty.† â€Å"Thanks. It's sixty-seven degrees here. I can see the thermometer outside.† â€Å"What's wrong?† â€Å"I just told you: storm coming. Theo doubts sanity. Dale missing.† Tucker Case rolled over, and despite being half asleep, he appeared to be ready for action. â€Å"Well would you look at that,† Lena thought to herself, then she realized she'd said it into the phone. â€Å"What?† said Molly. Tuck opened his eyes and smiled at her, then followed her gaze south. He pulled the sheet out of her hand and covered himself. â€Å"That's not for you. I just have to pee.† â€Å"Sorry,† Lena said, pulling the sheet quickly over her head. It had been a long time since she'd had to worry about it, but she suddenly remembered a magazine article about not letting a man see you first thing in the morning unless he'd known you for at least three weeks. â€Å"Who was that?† Molly said. Lena made an eye tunnel in the sheet and looked out at Tucker Case, who was getting out of bed, totally unself-conscious, totally naked, his unit leading him into the bathroom, waving before him like a divining rod. She realized right then that she could always find new reasons to resent the male of the species – unself-consciousness was going on the list. â€Å"No one,† Lena said into the phone. â€Å"Lena, you did not sleep with your ex again? Tell me you are not in bed with Dale.† â€Å"I'm not in bed with Dale.† Then the whole night came rolling back on her and she thought she might throw up. Tucker Case had made her forget for a while. Okay, maybe she could count that as a positive toward men, but the anxiety was back. She'd killed Dale. She was going to jail. But she needed to pretend she didn't know anything. â€Å"What did you say about Dale, Molly?† â€Å"So who are you in bed with?† â€Å"Dammit, Molly, what happened to Dale?† She hoped she sounded convincing. â€Å"I don't know. His new girlfriend called and said he didn't come home after the Caribou Christmas party. I just thought you should know, you know, in case it turns out that something bad happened.† â€Å"I'm sure he's okay. He probably just met some tramp at the Head of the Slug and sold her on his workingman charm.† â€Å"Yuck,† Molly said. â€Å"Oh, sorry. Look, Lena, they said on the news this morning that a big storm is coming in off the Pacific. We're going to have El Ni;o this year. We have to figure out something for the food for Lonesome Christmas – not to mention what to do if a lot of people show up. The chapel is awfully small.† Lena was still trying to figure out what to do about Dale. She wanted to tell Molly. If anybody would understand, it would be Molly. Lena had been around a couple of times when Molly had gone through her â€Å"breaks.† She understood things getting out of control. â€Å"Look, Molly, I need – ; â€Å"And I yelled at Theo last night, Lena. Really bad. He hasn't taken off like that in a long time. I may have fucked Christmas up.† â€Å"Don't be silly, Mol, you couldn't do that. Theo understands.† Meaning, He knows you're crazy and loves you anyway. Just then, Tucker Case came back into the room, retrieved his pants from the floor, and started pulling them on. â€Å"I've got to go feed the bat,† Tuck said. He pulled a banana partially out of his front pocket. Lena threw the sheets off her head and tried to think of something to say. Tuck grinned, pulling the banana all the way out. â€Å"Oh, you thought I was just glad to see you?† â€Å"Uh – I – shit.† Tuck stepped over and kissed her eyebrow. â€Å"I am glad to see you,† he said. â€Å"But I have to feed the bat, too. I'll be right back.† He walked out of the room, barefoot and shirtless. Okay, he probably would be back. â€Å"Lena, who was that? Tell me?† Lena realized that she was still holding the phone. â€Å"Look, Molly, I'll have to call you back, okay? We'll figure something out for Friday night.† â€Å"But, I have to make amends –  » â€Å"I'll call you.† Lena hung up and crawled out of bed. If she was quick she could wash her face and get some mascara on before Tucker got back. She started zooming around the room, naked, until she felt someone watching her. There was a big bay window that looked out on a forest, and since her bedroom was on the second floor, it was like waking up in a tree house, but no one could possibly look in. She spun around and there, hanging from the gutter, was a giant fruit bat. And he was looking at her – no, not just looking at her, he was checking her out. She pulled the sheet off the bed and covered herself. â€Å"Go eat your banana,† she shouted at the bat. Roberto licked his chops. There had been a time, during his bong-rat years, when Theophilus Crowe would have stated, with little reservation, that he did not like surprises, that he preferred routine over variety, predictability over uncertainty, the known over the unknown. Then, a few years ago, while working on Pine Cove's last murder case, Theo had gotten to know and fallen in love with Molly Michon, the ex-scream queen of the B-movie silver screen, and everything changed. He had broken one of the cardinal rules – Never go to bed with anyone crazier than yourself – and he'd been loving life ever since. They had their little agreement, if he stayed off his drug (pot) she'd stay on hers (antipsychotics), and consequently she'd have his unmuddled attention and he'd only get the most pleasant aspects of the Warrior Babe persona that Molly sometimes slipped into. He'd learned to delight in her company and the occasional weirdness that she brought into his life. But last night had been too much for him. He'd come through the door wanting, nay, needing to share his bizarre story about the blond man, with the only person who actually might believe him and not berate him for being a stoner, and she had chosen that precise moment to lapse into hostile batshit mode. So, he'd fallen off the wagon, and by the time he returned to their cabin that night, he had smoked enough pot to put a Rastafarian choir in a coma. That's not what the pot patch he'd been growing had been for. Not at all. Not like the old days, when he maintained a small victory garden for personal use. No, the little forest of seven-foot sticky bud platforms that graced the edge of their lot on the ranch was purely a commercial endeavor, albeit for the right reason. For love. Over the years, even as the prospect of ever returning to the movies became more remote, Molly had continued to work out with her giant broadsword. Stripped to her underwear, or dressed in a sports bra and sweatpants, every day in the clearing in front of the cabin she'd declare â€Å"en garde† to an imaginary partner and proceed to spin, leap, thrust, parry, hack, and slash herself breathless. Beyond the fact that the ritual kept her incredibly fit, it made her happy, which, in turn, pleased Theo to no end. He'd even encouraged her to get involved in Japanese kendo, and to little surprise, she was excellent at it, consistently winning matches against opponents nearly twice her size. And indirectly, all this had led to Theo's growing pot commercially for the first time in his life. He'd tried other means, but banks seemed more than a little reluctant to lend him nearly a half year's salary in order to purchase a samurai sword. Well, not samurai precisely, but a Japanese sword – an ancient Japanese sword, made by the master swordmaker Hisakuni of Yamashiro in the late thirteenth century. Sixty thousand folded layers of high carbon steel, perfectly balanced, and razor sharp even eight hundred years later. It was a tashi, a curved cavalry sword, longer and heavier than the traditional katanas used later by samurais in ground combat. Molly would appreciate the weight during her workouts, as its heft was closer to that of the theatrical broadsword she'd brought with her as a legacy of her failed movie career. She would also appreciate that it was real, and Theo hoped that she'd see that it was his way of saying that he loved all the parts of her, even the War rior Babe (he just liked rubbing up against some parts more than others). The tashi was now wrapped in velvet and hiding at the back of the top shelf of Theo's closet, where he used to keep his bong collection. The money? Well, an old friend of Theo's from the stoner days, a Big Sur grower now turned wholesaler, had been happy to advance Theo the money against his crop. It was supposed to have been a purely commercial venture: get in, get out, and nobody gets hurt. But now Theo was showing up stoned for work for the first time in years, and following a bad night, he could just sense that this wasn't going to be a good day. Then the call came in from Dale Pearson's girlfriend/wife/whatever, and the descent into hell day started. Theo drowned his eyes in Visine and stopped at Brine's Bait, Tackle, and Fine Wines for a large coffee before he headed over to Lena Marquez's house in search of her ex-husband. While it was clear from the incident at the Thrifty-Mart on Monday, and a dozen earlier incidents, that their dislike for each other bordered on hatred, it hadn't stopped them from hooking up from time to time for some familiar post-divorce sex. Theo wouldn't have even known about it, except Molly was good friends with Lena and women talked about that sort of thing. Lena lived in a nice two-story Craftsman-style house on a half acre of pine forest that butted up to one of Pine Cove's many ranches. It was more house than she would have been able to afford working as a property manager, but then, she had put up with Dale Pearson for five years of marriage, and for five years since, so it was the least she deserved, Theo thought. He liked the sound of his hiking boots on the porch as he walked to the front door, and he thought that he and Molly should build a porch on their little cabin. He thought they could maybe get a wind chime, and a swing, have a little heater so they could sit outside on cold evenings. Then he realized, as he felt that vibration of footsteps coming to the door, that he was totally and completely baked. That they would know he was baked. That no amount of Visine or coffee was going to cover the fact that he was baked. Twenty years of functioning stoned was not going to serve him now – he'd lost his edge, he was no lo nger in the game, the eye of the tiger was bloodshot. â€Å"Hi, Theo,† Lena said, opening the door. She wore a man's oversize sweatshirt and red socks. Her long black hair, which normally flowed down her back like liquid satin, was all knotted up at the back of her head, and there was a big tangle sticking out by one ear. Sex hair. Theo shuffled on the porch like a kid getting ready to ask the girl next door for a first date. â€Å"I'm sorry to bother you so early, but I wondered if you've seen Dale. Since Monday, I mean.† She seemed to fade away from the door, like she was ready to faint. Theo was sure it was because she knew he was high. â€Å"No, Theo. Why?† â€Å"Well, uh, Betsy called, and said that Dale didn't come home last night.† Betsy was Dale's new wife/girlfriend/whatever. She was a waitress down at H.P.'s Cafe and over the years had become notorious for having affairs with a lot of married guys. â€Å"I was just, uh†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Why wouldn't she interrupt him? He didn't want to say that he knew that she and Dale got together for spite sex occasionally. He wasn't supposed to know.†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ so, uh, I was just wondering.† â€Å"Hi, who's this?† said a blond guy who had appeared shirtless behind Lena in the doorway. â€Å"Oh, thank God,† Theo said, taking a deep breath. â€Å"I'm Theo Crowe, I'm the town constable.† He looked at Lena for an introduction. â€Å"This is Tucker – uh, Tuck.† She had no idea what this guy's last name was. â€Å"Tucker Case,† said Tucker Case, stepping around Lena and offering his hand to shake. â€Å"I should have introduced myself to you sooner, I guess, since we're in the same business.† â€Å"What business is that?† Theo never thought of himself as being a businessman, but he guessed that he was now. â€Å"I'm flying helicopter for the DEA,† said Tucker Case. â€Å"You know, infrared, finding growers and stuff.† Clear! His heart has stopped! Code blue! Five hundred milligrams of epinephrine, direct shot to the pericardium, stat! He's flatlining, people. Clear! â€Å"Nice to meet you,† Theo said, hoping his heart failure wasn't showing. â€Å"Well, sorry to bother you. I'll just be on my way.† He let go of Tuck's hand and started walking away, thinking: Don't walk stoned, don't walk stoned – for the love of God, how did I do this all of those years? â€Å"Uh, Constable,† Tuck said. â€Å"Why was it that you stopped by? Ouch!† Theo turned. Lena had just punched the pilot in the arm, evidently pretty hard – he was massaging it. â€Å"Uh, nothing. Just a fellow didn't go home last night, and I thought Lena might have an idea where he went.† Theo was trying to back away from the house, but then stopped, remembering that he might trip on the porch steps. How would he explain that to the DEA? â€Å"Last night? That's not even a missing person for, what, twenty-four, forty-eight hours? Ouch! Dammit, that's not necessary.† Tucker Case rubbed his shoulder where Lena had punched him again. Theo thought that she might have violence issues with men. Lena looked at Theo and grinned, as if she was embarrassed about the punch. â€Å"Theo, Molly called me this morning and told me about Dale. I told her I hadn't seen him. Didn't she tell you?† â€Å"Sure. Sure, she told me. I just, you know, I thought you might have some ideas. I mean, your friend is right, Dale's not really missing, officially, for another twelve hours or so, but, you know, it's a small town, and I, you know, have a job and stuff.† â€Å"Thanks, Theo,† Lena said, waving to him even though he was only a few feet away and wasn't moving away from the house. The pilot was waving, too, smiling. Theo didn't like being around new lovers who had just gotten laid, especially when things weren't going that well in his own love life. They seemed smug, even if they weren't trying to be. He spotted something dark swinging from the ceiling of the porch, right where the wind chime would have been on his and Molly's porch, if he hadn't just sacrificed their security by relapsing into dope-fiendism. It couldn't be what it looked like. â€Å"So, that's a, uh, that looks like –  » â€Å"A bat,† said Lena. Holy fuck, Theo thought, that thing is huge. â€Å"A bat,† he said. â€Å"Sure. Of course.† â€Å"Fruit bat,† Tucker Case clarified. â€Å"From Micronesia.† â€Å"Oh, right,† Theo said. Micronesia was not a real place. The blond guy was fucking with him. â€Å"Well, I'll see you guys.† â€Å"See you at Lonesome Christmas on Friday,† Lena said. â€Å"Say hi to Molly.† † ‘Kay,† Theo said, climbing into the Volvo. He closed the car door. They went inside. He let his head hit the steering wheel. They know, he thought. â€Å"He knows,† Lena said, her back against the front door. â€Å"He doesn't know.† â€Å"He's smarter than he looks. He knows.† â€Å"He doesn't know. And he didn't look dumb, he looked kind of stoned.† â€Å"No, he wasn't stoned, that was suspicion.† â€Å"Don't you think if he was suspicious he might have asked where you were last night?† â€Å"Well, he could see that, with you walking out there with your shirt off, and me looking so, you know – so – ; â€Å"Satisfied?† â€Å"No, I was going to say ‘disheveled. † She punched his arm. â€Å"Jeez, get over yourself.† â€Å"Ouch. That is completely out of line.† â€Å"I'm in trouble here,† Lena said. â€Å"You can at least be supportive.† â€Å"Supportive? I helped you hide the body. In some countries that implies commitment.† She wound up to punch him, then caught herself, but left her fist there in the air, just in case. â€Å"You really don't think he was suspicious?† â€Å"He didn't even ask why you have a giant fruit bat hanging out on your porch. He's oblivious. Just going through the motions.† â€Å"Why do I have a giant fruit bat hanging from the porch?† â€Å"Comes with the package.† He grinned and walked away. Now she felt stupid, standing there, her fist in the air. She felt unenlightened, dense, silly, unevolved, all the things she thought only other people were. She followed him into the bedroom, where he was putting on his shirt. â€Å"I'm sorry I hit you.† He rubbed his bruised shoulder. â€Å"You have tendencies. Should I hide your shovel?† â€Å"That's a horrible thing to say.† She almost punched him, but instead, trying to be more evolved, and less threatening, she put her arms around him. â€Å"It was an accident.† â€Å"Release me. I have to go spot bad guys with my helicopter,† he said, patting her on the bottom. â€Å"You're taking the bat with you, right?† â€Å"You don't want to hang out with him?† â€Å"No offense, but he's a little creepy.† â€Å"You have no idea,† said Tuck.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Jose Rizal Essay

I. IntroductionJose rizal and andress bonifacio, of all time heard of those name? what ab out(p) their component and sacrifices for you as a Filipino? deem you heard/jazz something about it? twain pot with the same desire and cognize for the country but has different beliefs and ship way on acquiring their wants. Two deal who came from the past and lived a greatest start on the history of our nation, a work force who awaken the desire of all(prenominal) indios in acquiring the license that was taken out-of-door from them for almost 300 years. Jose rizal was kn stimulate from beingness the national wizard of the Philippines.Who wouldnt know about him? He was in every history book of phil. Same as bonifacio. They both sacrifice their lives to prove how more than they love their country and for their desire to fulfil the Philippines as a country having its own freedom and sovereignity. This research paper leave alone tackle the nationalistic movement of jose rizal and a ndress abonifacio. II. Jose Rizal and his flag-waving(a) proceedingJose Rizal felt so finable in Spaniards of being harsh and abusing Filipino people. Rizal form a brass called propaganda movement. The Propaganda Movement was a literary and cultural organization formed in 1872 by Jose Rizal. The repulse of the propaganda movement was a peace-loving assimilation, referring to the variety of the Philippines from being a colony to a province of Spain. These reforms were as follows equality of the Filipinos and Spaniards to begin with the laws restoration of the Philippine representation in the Spanish Cortes secularization of the Philippine parishes and the riddance of the friars, and human rights for Filipinos, such as freedom of speech. Freedom of the press and freedom to gibe and petition for redress of grievances.Those who join this peaceful campaign were the Filipino ostracizes of 1872, the patriots who left the islands to thresh persecution, and those who had been to S pain for their studies. A nonher Movent of Jose Rizal is The La Liga Filipina. social basis is illumined and concretely defined by private acts of intervention, such as Rizals novels, without which partnership and the physical world remain indifferent. We call for this dialectical approach to comprehend in a more all-encompassing way Rizals vexed and vexing situation, unneurotic with his painstakingly calculated responsesall wile ruses of Reason in history (for Hegel). such(prenominal) ruses actually register the contradictions of social forces in real life, reflected in the crises of lives in all(prenominal) generation.The substantial biographies of Rizalfrom capital of Texas Craig to Rafael Palma, Leon Maria Guerrero to Austin Coatesall attempted to triangulate the ideas of the hero with his varying positions in his family, in the bent of his friends and colleagues in Europe, and in relation to the compound Establishment. Their main concern is to find out the origin of the heros thoughts and their collision on the local environment. But the duplicate errors of contemplative objectivism and individualist bias persisted in vitiating their accounts. They ignored the historical- visibleist axiom that the changing of constituent and of personal sensibility/minds, as Marx advised, faecal matter be conceived and rationally understood but as revolutionary practicethat is, aesthetical collective pattern in material life.In Palmas biography, for example, the novelty of Rizals project of the Liga Filipina became simply a centre to defray the expenses of the colonization of Borneo (1949, 202 see Zaide and Zaide 1984). In reality, the Liga is the chief emblematic index of that transformative praxis fusing personal experience and objective circumstances. It is the crucible marking the failure of La Solidaridad reformism and the renewing to the stage of popular mobilization liaise by the rising organic intellectuals of the dispossessed, in particular And res Bonifacio, Jacinto, and others. Rizals radicalizing agenda was already distilled in his bold testimony of communicative action, the eloquent Letter to the Women of Malolos(more later), and articulated in the two garner dated June 20, 1892, letters whose resonance andvalue canperhaps be compared only to St. Pauls epistles to the early(a) converts of the faith.By all accounts, the formation of the Liga is the trace event marking Rizals terpsichore from intellectual gradualism to collective separatism. Before his exile to Dapitan in 1892, Rizal met with members of the Masonic Balagtas Lodge in the home of Doroteo Onjungco, including Ambrosio Salvador, Timoteo Paez, Pedro Serrano, Domingo Franco, and, last but not least, Andres Bonifacio, who was then not distinguishable from the work party of about thirty individuals.After governor Despujol decreed Rizals banishment, the Liga members met secretly in the Azcarraga apartment of Deodato Arellano, among them Andres Bonifacio and Gregorio Del Pilar, who later died fighting American troops pursuing the fleeing Aguinaldo headed for Palanan (Palma 1949, 225). That historic company of seven persons signaled the launching of the Katipunan, The organization of sons of the people committed to overthrowing Spanish colonial tyranny.Referenceshttp// http//